Ocean Biodiversity Information System
OBIS, Ocean Biodiversity Information System emanated from the Census of Marine Life (2000-2010) and was adopted as a project under IOC-UNESCO’s International Oceanographic Data and Information (IODE) programme in 2009. OBIS is providing free and open access to, and application of, biodiversity and biogeographic data and information on marine life.
Indian Ocean Biodiversity Information System
IndOBIS is the Regional OBIS node for the Indian Ocean, hosted by the Centre for Marine Living Resources & Ecology (CMLRE), Kochi. IndOBIS collects data of taxonomically resolved marine species occurrence records from the Indian Ocean and contributes to the OBIS as one of the 30 regional nodes of the Ocean Biodiversity Information System OBIS.
Centre for Marine Living Resources & Ecology
CMLRE, Kochi under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India is implementing the national programme on marine living resources by integrating different entities of ecosystem and documenting the living resources. CMLRE is also an IODE Associate Data Unit (ADU) and a national reporting entity to international agreements/conventions and frameworks connected to biodiversity and its conservation.
How to publish data in IndOBIS?
IndOBIS has an IPT installation, GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit, a free and open source web application, developed by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, which facilitates the publication and sharing of biodiversity data. OBIS only harvests metadata and data from the IPT of the node, which will provide researchers an opportunity to publish the data against their own credentials.
To understand how the IPT works, try watching this concise 25 minute demo showing how a dataset gets properly published and registered through