Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Subphylum: Rhabditophora Ehlers. 1985
Order: Polyclaldida Lang, 1884
Family: Pseudocerotidae Lang, 1884
Bulaceros porcellanus Newman & Cannon, 1996
Collection: Agatti Island, near CMLRE field research station (10°50′73′′N, 72°11′34′′E), Lakshadweep; 07.11.2018
Voucher No.: IO/IT/POY/00025
Description: Body small, oval and margin crenulated. Background translucent white with opaque white mottling and white microdots on dorsal surface. Some evenly spaced black spots of different sizes are present on dorsum but absent near margin. Marginal band orange brown surrounded by translucent rim with white spots. A small orange coloured blotch is present above cerebral eye clusters. Pseudotentacles small, ear-like with distinct knobs. Ventral surface translucent white.
Biological association: – None
Remarks: – None
Distribution: India and Australia
Distribution map:

Identified by: Sudhanshu Dixit
Publication: Sudhanshu Dixit, Hashim Manjebrayakath & N. Saravanane (2021): A rare polyclad genus Bulaceros (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida: Pseudocerotidae): new species and new record from Indian coral atolls, Marine Biology Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/17451000.2020.1870044
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