Phylum: Chordata Haeckel, 1874
Class: Actinopterygii Klein, 1885
Order: Lophiiformes Garman, 1899
Family: Chaunacidae Gill, 1863
Genus: Chaunax Low, 1846
Chaunax multilepis Ho, HC., Meleppura R.K. and Bineesh, K.K. 2016
Collection: Andaman Sea, Off North Andaman Island, 13.26°N, 93.17°E, 295−323 m, November 2011.
Voucher No: CMLRE 292 341 7A
Description: A species of Chaunax abei species group that is distinguished from congeners in the species group by having a continuous tooth patch on vomer, not divided into two patches, and four or five neuromasts in the lower preopercular series. It can be further separated by the following combination of characters: large green spots on dorsal surface; simple spinules on dorsal surface; 12 pectoral-fin rays; 13–16 neuromasts in pectoral series; 30– 37 neuromasts in lateral-line proper; typically four neuromasts on caudal-fin base; typically 7 neuromasts in mandible; typically 12 gill rakers on second gill arch; gill chamber and buccal cavity pale; and peritoneum black.
Distribution: Known from the type series collected in the Andaman Sea at depths of 295–350 m, and off the south western coast of India, Arabian Sea, at depth of 200–350 m.

Identified by: Rajeesh Kumar M P
Publication: Hsuan-Ching HO, Rajeesh Kumar M.P. & Bineesh K. K. (2016) Chaunax multilepis sp. nov., a new species of Chaunax (Lophiiformes: Chaunacidae) from the northern Indian Ocean. Zootaxa 4103 (2): 130–136.
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