Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Malacostraca Latreille, 1802
Order: Stomatopoda Latreille, 1817
Family: Squillidae Latreille, 1802
Cloridina malaccensis (Manning, 1968)
Collection: Bay of Bengal, 10.79°N, 80.11°E, 56 m, 30.11.2019 (FORVSS 392, St. 14). Chain dredge.
Voucher No.: CMLRE IO/SS/STO/00016
Description: Body depressed. Ocular scales fused into a single plate rounded distally; anterior margin of ophthalmic somite rounded. Antennular somite dorsal processes trianguloid, with sharp apices, directed anterolaterally. Antennal protopod unarmed; antennal scale margins fully setose, length 0.46 CL. Rostral plate subtriangular, longer than wide. Carapace with anterolateral spine, posterolateral margin rounded; dorsal surface with only marginal carina on posterolateral margin; gastric and cervical grooves present. Mandibular palp with 3 articles. Raptorial claw ischiomeral articulation terminal; carpus bearing sharp dorsal ridge; propodus occlusal margin closely pectinate, bearing 3 movable spines proximally; dactylus outer margin with the proximal notch and large triangular lobe; occlusal margin bearing 5 teeth, basal tooth minute. Abdominal somites 1–5 with intermediate, lateral and marginal carinae; somite 6 with submedian, intermediate, and lateral carinae. Abdominal carinae spined as follows: submedian 6, intermediate 5–6, lateral 5–6, marginal 5. Telson trianguloid-subquadrate inflated dorsal surface with rows of tubercles, median carina sharp, elevated, with small posterior spine; submedian, intermediate, and lateral carinae slender; apices of submedian carinae movable; prelateral lobe slightly shorter than the margin of the lateral tooth; denticles: submedian 3, intermediate 8–9, lateral 1. Uropodal protopod bearing 2 curved primary spines, inner spine longer; lobe on the outer margin of inner spine wider than adjacent spine; protopod inner margin with row of 7 spines; endopod shorter than exopod; exopod distal article longer than proximal; proximal article with 6 blunt movable spines on outer margin, distalmost not reaching midlength of distal exopod article.
Biological association: None.
Remarks: First distributional record from Indian EEZ.
Distribution: Madagascar, Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Malacca Straits, Philippines (Moosa 1986), New Caledonia. Depth range: 29–80 m.
Distribution map:
Identified by: Vinay P. Padate
Publication: Padate V.P., Ahyong S.T., Aleesha K.S., Sherine Sonia Cubelio, Saravanane N. (2021) First records of two species of reef-associated mantis shrimps (Crustacea: Stomatopoda) from India. Zootaxa.
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