Phylum: Annelida
Class: Polychaeta Grube, 1850
Subclass: Sedentaria Lamarck, 1818
Infraclass: Scolecida Rouse & Fauchald, 1997
Family: Opheliidae Malmgren, 1867
Armandia sampadae Gopal et al., 2016
Collection: Andaman & Nicobar Islands – Off Rutland Island, 11°28.038’ N 92°43.268’ E, 57 m; Off North Andaman, 13°31.121′N 92°46.751′E, 52 m (FORVSS 292)
Voucher No.: CMLRE IO/SS/POL/0467, CMLRE/IO/SS/POL/0468 (FORV Referral Centre, CMLRE, Kochi)
Description: The major character which distinguishes this species from other members of the genus Armandia is the presence of a pair of large, flattened, rounded, stalked, pigmented, leaf-shaped ventral papillae at the ventral base of the ringed anal funnel and the occurrence of a pair of sub-triangular black pigmented spots in the basal portion of the ventral papillae.
Biological association: None
Remarks: The species is named for the research vessel FORV Sagar Sampada, which has been the backbone of marine biological research in India since 1984.
Distribution: Indian Ocean, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, insular margin of Andaman Islands (known only from type locality).
Distribution map:

Identified by: Aiswarya Gopal
Publication: Aiswarya Gopal, Abdul Jaleel KU, Usha V Parameswaran, Anilkumar Vijayan (2016) Armandia sampadae, a new species of polychaete (Opheliidae) from Andaman Sea, Northern Indian Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(8): 1625-1632
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