Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopteri Order: Stomiiformes Family: Stomiidae Bleeker, 1859 Astronesthes cf. indopacificus Parin and Borodulina, 1997 Collection: Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. 08°05′ N, 76°21′ E; 11°07′ N, 75°06′ E; 11°04′ ...
First record of Baeolidia moebii (Nudibranchia: Aeolidiidae) from India
Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gastropoda Cuvier, 1795 Order: Nudibranchia Cuvier, 1817 Family: Aeolidiidae Gray, 1827 Baeolidia moebii (Bergh, 1888) Collection: Agatti Island (10°51'58''N 72°10’57’’E); 10 m depth; 03.5.2018 Voucher No.: CM ...
New species of Himantolophus from Andaman Sea
Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopteri Order: Lophiiformes Family: Himantolophidae Himantolophus kalami Rajeeshkumar, Pietsch & Saravanane, 2022 Collection: Northern Andaman, Andaman Nicobar Islands, FORV Sagar Sampada, station 36708, ...
New species of deep-water axiid ghost shrimp from southeastern Arabian Sea
Guyanacaris keralam Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Malacostraca Latreille, 1802 Order: Decapoda Latreille, 1802 Family: Axiidae Huxley, 1879 Guyanacaris keralam Padate, Cubelio & Takeda, 2022 Collection: Southeastern Arabian Sea, west of ...
First record of deep-water king crab from India
Paralomis ceres Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Malacostraca Latreille, 1802 Order: Decapoda Latreille, 1802 Family: Lithodidae Samouelle, 1819 Paralomis ceres Macpherson, 1988 Collection: SE Arabian Sea, continental slope off Thiruvananthapu ...
First record of brittle star from the Indian waters
Ophiopeza spinosa Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Ophiuroidea Gray, 1840 Order: Ophiacanthida O'Hara, Hugall, Thuy, Stöhr & Martynov, 2017 Family: Ophiopezidae O'Hara, Stöhr, Hugall, Thuy & Martynov, 2018 Ophiopeza spinosa (Ljungman, ...
First record of brittle star from the Indian Ocean
Ophiopsammus aequalis Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Ophiuroidea Gray, 1840 Order: Ophiacanthida O'Hara, Hugall, Thuy, Stöhr & Martynov, 2017 Family: Ophiodermatidae Ljungman, 1867 Ophiopsammus aequalis (Lyman, 1880) Collection: Andam ...
First record of brittle star from the Northern Indian Ocean
Ophialcaea tuberculosa Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Ophiuroidea Gray, 1840 Order: Ophiacanthida O'Hara, Hugall, Thuy, Stöhr & Martynov, 2017 Family: Ophiacanthidae Ljungman, 1867 Ophialcaea tuberculosa (Lyman, 1878) Collection: Anda ...
First record of brittle star from the Indian Ocean
Ophiolepis cardioplax Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Ophiuroidea Gray, 1840 Order: Amphilepidida O'Hara, Hugall, Thuy, Stöhr & Martynov, 2017 Family: Ophiolepididae Ljungman, 1867 Ophiolepis cardioplax Murakami, 1943 Collection: Andam ...
First record of brittle star from the Northern Indian Ocean
Ophioplocus declinans Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Ophiuroidea Gray, 1840 Order: Amphilepidida O'Hara, Hugall, Thuy, Stöhr & Martynov, 2017 Family: Hemieuryalidae Verrill, 1899 Ophioplocus declinans (Koehler, 1904) Collection: Andam ...